$49+ a month

Digital Marketing Momma Membership Program

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Digital Marketing Momma Membership Program

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Digital Marketing Momma Monthly Membership Program

Why this is for you.

Wouldn’t it be great if life just came with a checklist?

Sometimes we just want someone to tell us what we are supposed to do!

Building a business shouldn’t feel impossible.

You don’t have to waste time and feeling stuck trying to figure out the latest in online technology and strategies.

It’s not easy to build and run a business on your own. You are the CEO, IT person, HR person, Marketing/Sales Department, Admin, Content Creator, oh and you may have some kids running around needing your attention and a hubby that wants you to acknowledge his presence from time to time!

Entrepreneurial overwhelm can easily strike when there are limited hours in the day and the to-do list is rolling out the door! That’s where Digital Marketing Momma membership program becomes your go-to helper.

How can you grow the business when you can’t find time to manage the business?

You have the ideas and the dreams of what you want this business to look like. You definitely want to be making more money! So, the first thing you do is join an “experts” mailing list. They probably offered a really great free report, live training, checklist, 3-day course and so on. But now you’re on their list and your inbox is already at the exploding point. WHO...HAS... THE...TIME...TO...READ?!?!

What if there was a place where you could go and get your questions answered? A reliable and a totally budget-friendly resource that can give you the support you need right now. Answers to a quick question so you can keep making progress instead of feeling stuck or racing down the rabbit hole of too many answers.

That’s where I can help. Let’s get you comfortable with the idea that you can really do this while being the mom you want to be. I figured out all these online systems so you don’t have to.

Imagine how great it would feel to see your business grow and feel empowered as you make progress from start-up to ramp up. Dial down the pressure to be perfect and do it all on your own, and be part of a group that supports you doing things in a way that works with your life.

I developed this program when I heard the same question again and again.

“Where do I start?”

“What are the first steps?” “How do I figure out what’s really necessary and what is right for the business I’m starting?”

Trust me, some of my closest friends and colleagues have sheepishly asked me, “what the frig is an autoresponder email sequence?”

I’m here to get you back to the basics. I want to give you the How to’s and the Why’s for all of this stuff.

Are terms like , landing pages, and webinars making you feel like everyone is talking in a new language?

Yes, we all want to achieve 6 Figures and beyond but it’s really difficult to do that if you are still wasting time Googling “Do I choose Aweber or Mailchimp?” and then reading several conflicting blog posts on that topic.

I want to stop your Google madness!

Here’s what’s included in my membership program:

1. You’ll get immediate access to my top 3 .

a. Webinars Made Easy (and why you should use them)

b. Top 14 Roadblocks That Entrepreneurs Face And Ways To Blast Ahead

c. Discover Who Your Ideal Client Is (she’s really out there!)

2. Each Month you’ll have access to 2 new online courses on various topics in the online business space. Already in development: Email Marketing Made Easy, Wordpress 101, Create Your First Digital Marketing Plan and so much more!

3. Join me each month for 2 live that will support the 2 online courses that were added to your Library. These live I will be teaching and you’ll have the opportunity for live Q&A. All will be recorded so no need to stress if you need to be elsewhere when we’re live.

4. You’ll have access to our Uber Private Facebook group. Amazing entrepreneurs just like you who have the same questions and concerns. Guess who hangs out in that group too? Yup! ME!

5. What if you have a specific question for me and my team? As an added bonus you’ll have my direct email to ask me questions. For example: “Hey Kate, I’m super stuck on deciding between Mailchimp and Aweber. What do you think?” Give me 24 hours and I’ll get back to you with my thoughts, and experience. Yes, I’ll give you the good, bad and ugly (if applicable :)

6. You’ll be my VIP! I will be doing a lot of additional throughout the year both in-person and online. I’ll be charging for , with your monthly membership commitment you’ll get those at 50% off.

What Makes Me So Special To Run This Program?

I’m Kate Schell and I am the Digital Marketing Momma! Entrepreneur, Crazy Busy Mom to 4 and Wife to High School Sweetheart.

I have thought that digital marketing, online business models, funnels and sales strategies were going to be my drive and passion in business!

I gobble up anything and everything that has to do with online business and backend technology systems. I’ve spent years (and $$$’s) learning from every expert in the Digital Marketing and Ecommerce space.

I’ve self-taught myself how to build Wordpress sites and love learning the new latest and greatest in technologies. I have truly become a self-proclaimed nerd!!

But my true passion lies in supporting women entrepreneurs in building their businesses and CRUSHING their fears around technology and digital marketing! I have been helping my clients get their businesses online and in front of their audiences. I pride myself on going the extra mile for my peeps and getting them answers to their questions, solving annoying and sometimes complicated tech problems and supporting them on their journeys to greatness. I want to can help you do that too!!

Beyond all this business stuff, I want this to be fun for you. Running a business can sometimes not feel so fun. It’s stressful and at times, lonely. I completely know where you are because I’ve been there. It’s taken a long time to get focused and clear on what I wanted my business to look like. I’ve worked at all hours of the night trying to catch up after a kid was home sick and I’ve come very, very, very, close to shutting the virtual doors on this business and walking away!

I promise, if anything, this will be a joyful journey! I will always be trying to make this fun and wacky and we will laugh at ourselves as we ride the entrepreneurial roller coaster together!

Welcome to my playground! I’m here to show you the ropes. Consider me your guide through all things online!

Join Our Ah-Mazing DMM Monthly Membership Program


There no sneaky tactics. No spammy junk.

Here’s my promise - I will deliver easy to follow, high-quality content, lessons and . You will either totally love it OR it won’t be for you and you can cancel at any time. No questions asked. I’m here to support you!

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