
Getting Real And Meeting Your Ideal Customer or Client

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Getting Real And Meeting Your Ideal Customer or Client

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What If You Could Really Get to Know Your Customer or Client?
How Much Easier Would Sales Be If Your Customer or Clients Said To You

"This Is What I Want You To Sell To Me"​

How many times do you get a sales pitch that has nothing to do with you?

Is your inbox flooded (daily) with offers that are so misaligned that you don’t even open the email?

You’re scrolling your Facebook feed and you see “sponsored” ads that just clutter up your feed

Imagine for a moment - It’s Monday morning and you walk into your favorite coffee shop.

The Barista smiles at you as you order your favorite double mocha latte and the Barista says - “would you like fries with that?”.

You smile awkwardly and say, “ummmm, no thanks, just the coffee”.

“Are you sure because it’s only $1 more”.....

The question is…

Do you really know who your target audience is and what it is they want?

The problem with many businesses today is that they don’t fully know who they are selling to.

Do you know what keeps your customer up at night? What their pain points are?

Do you know what they struggle with? What is it that they need?

If you can’t get a clear picture on who your customer is, how can you sell them your products or services? Unless you are clear, you don’t even know if they need what you have…

Business owners can often fall into the trap of “everyone would want my product or services”.

The result can be watered down sales copy and lots of wasted advertising dollars.

Imagine getting the opportunity to really get to know your customer or client. Sitting down with them and finding out who they are, what they struggle with and what they really want…. Think about how much more focused your sales and marketing could be.

What if you could do what you are meant to do and make your customer and clients lives better?

You started your business for a reason. You knew what you wanted to do and what you wanted to offer to the world.

You have a special gift, a secret sauce that makes you and your products and services special. Your customer wants and needs it but you must get to know them.

Here’s some truth…. Not everyone is going to want what you have. Not everyone is going to love it. Some people may even complain about it. But they are not your target audience.

Without the clarity on your ideal customer or client you may be putting your product or service in front of the haters.

It's Time To Get Real And "Meet" Your Ideal Customer or Client

What will this course do for you:

  • First we will talk about your Why. Why you started this business in the first place. Your why holds the key to who it is you want to serve. What you bring that can change this person’s life. What a successful business will do for your life. It all starts with your why.
  • We’ll talk about your company’s mission statement. Once you’ve figure out your personal Why, next you need to get clear on your company’s values and strategies. It will make a difference to your customers and clients.
  • Next step is to really dig it and “meet” your customer. We are going to bring them to life. You’ll be able to visualize this person like they are your BFF. You are going to get to know them, and what they love, what their challenges are, where they web surf, what social media they use, what they are looking for and more.
  • Once you “meet” them. We are going to talk about what to do with this golden information. You’ll get your next steps and what all of this customer information can do for your marketing and sales.

Who is this course for?


Business Owners



B2C companies

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Online Self Study Course

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41 pages
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